About ISHG

The Indian Society of Human Genetics (ISHG) was established in 1973 by a group of visionary medical and basic scientists. The aims and objectives of this Society are

Ongoing efforts to achieve these objectives include conducting annual scientific conferences, workshops and community outreach programmes, as well as by publishing journals and educational materials. Forty-eight annual meetings have been conducted under the aegis of ISHG across various cities of India since 1973 with only a break in 2021 and 2022 during the Covid epidemic. The ISHG published the journal titled “Indian Journal of Human Genetics” from 2000 until 2014.

The Society has close to 1500 members, and the membership continues to grow. The membership of ISHG is open to all those who are engaged in the study and research in human genetics and its related areas, including corporate sectors.

The society is governed by the Executive Council (EC) which is comprised of one President, two Vice-Presidents, one Secretary, one Joint Secretary, one Treasurer and eight elected members. The office bearers and members of the EC are elected by secret postal ballot once in two years from amongst the Life and Annual Members. Office bearers can hold an office for maximum two terms i.e., 4 years in continuation, and shall not be eligible to contest for re-election for the same office for a total period of four years (2 terms after his/her tenure).