The Society instituted the Dr. LD Sanghvi Oration to be awarded every two years.
1. Objective:
The oration is intended as a tribute to the pioneering role of Dr. LD Sanghvi in the development of Human Genetics research in India and to show the appreciation of the Society for sustained and significant contribution made by a fellow scientist to the field of Human Genetics very early on in India.
2. Eligibility :
When the call for the award is announced by ISHG once in two years, and at least three months prior to the respective annual meeting, any Indian scientist who has worked in India for at least 15 years and has made a significant contribution to Human Genetics and related fields is eligible to be nominated, by an annual or life member of ISHG. The nominee should not have been a recipient of the IC Verma award under the Indian Society of Human Genetics. A scientist can receive the award only once.
3. Procedure for selection
- At least six to eight weeks prior to the oration during the annual ISHG meeting, the President will constitute a committee of three eminent scientists for screening nominations and selection of the awardee.
- No member of the Executive council can serve as a member of the Selection Committee.
- The president shall also choose a chairperson from among the members of the Selection Committee and inform the members accordingly and about the criteria for eligibility.
- The Selection Committee may, if necessary, call for Bio-data from additional scientists whom they wish to consider.
- The Selection Committee shall choose only one person to give the oration in the respective year.
- The Chairperson of the Selection Committee shall communicate the name of the scientist selected to The Secretary, ISHG at least three to four weeks before the respective annual meeting.
- The Secretary shall then immediately inform and request the nominee to give the Oration at the following Annual meeting and obtain a detailed Bio-data of the nominee.
4. Privileges:
- The nominee shall be invited to give the oration at a Special Session of one hour duration at the Annual meeting.
- The nominee shall be presented with a citation and a silver plaque following the oration.
- The nominee would be entitled to an economy class round trip air fare to the venue of the Annual meeting, which would be borne by the Society; and to local hospitality which will be provided by the organizers of the respective Annual meeting.
- The Society may publish in some form the oration and/or citation; and the Bio-data of the nominee.
5. Fund and Expenses
- The Society has earmarked a fixed Deposit of Rs. 20000/- as the corpus for the Dr. LD Sanghvi Oration Fund.
- The Interest accrued thereon shall be used for the expenses in connection with the oration. i) Approximately half of the interest accrued shall be used for the silver plaque and framed citation. ii) The remaining part shall be used for the travel expenses of the nominee, if availed. iii) Any balance left from the interest shall be credited to the oration fund. iv) If, in any year the expenses are more than the interest accrued, the additional expenses will be included in the general expenses of the Society.
- The selection committee shall decide upon the nominee through an objective assessment and consensus in a meeting conducted through in person or online mode as per the convenience of the members. Any travel expenses incurred by the members of the selection committee shall not be paid either from the oration fund or by the Society.


Dr. HM Bhatia

Dr. JV Undevia
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr. KC Malhotra
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Prof. IC Verma
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. SN Naik
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr. V Balakrishnan
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr. I Manorama Thomas
St John’s Hospital, Bangalore

Prof. K Marimuthu
University of Madras, Tamil Nadu

Prof. OS Reddy
Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Hyderabad

Prof. PM Gopinath
University of Madras, Chennai

Dr. Lalji Singh
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad

Prof. SS Agarwal
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute, Lucknow

Dr. Partha P Majumdar
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Prof. Ramesh NK Bamezai
Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi

Prof. BK Thelma
Delhi University South Campus, New Delhi

Dr. K Thangaraj
CCMB, Hyderabad

Prof. Kunal Ray
IICB, Kolkata

Prof. S Ganesh
IIT, Kanpur